Confetti Man released a few weeks ago, if you haven't read it yet read it here, I was very excited that I had finally gotten it finished and I would like to talk about future issues and share some concept art
There are going to be ALOT more Confetti Man issues in the future, I am going to try to finish a bunch to the point I can release issues around a weekly/monthly schedule. You'll get to meet a whole lot of new iconic characters that you can fall in love with.
Here's some cool concept art from the conception of Confetti Man to the release of issue #1 ENJOY!!!
(First drawings of Confetti Man, as you can see his design and colors have remained unchanged since the beginning)
(First drawings of the Hairless Hypnotist, he was originally going to burn the building down by reflecting the light from his bald head at it)
(Various Confetti Man doodles)
(Early concepts for the Hairless Hypnotist logo)
(Unfinished cut version of the first page)
(Various Nonsense doodles of Confetti Man)
I can't wait to see what sort of nonsense you cook up for this series. I'm super excited for it!